
Check out the courses available to you! Send us a message if you have any questions, concerns, or are interested in registering for a Course.
Sugar Boss Sugaring Course 2 Day Training Cost $F750 plus kit. Picture of a Jar of body sugar in a glove being held by a model. 4 spots available for class. Models Required. Luxxe Wholesale Co.

Sugar Boss Sugar Training

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Brazilian Sugaring Course

If Brazilian Course is pre purchased prior to the completion of your 2 Day Sugar Training, you will receive $50 off the cost of the Brazilian Class.

Class to be booked after an extended period of time, once you're feeling confident with the sugaring process. **Course date to be arranged later.

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Sugar Boss Refresher Course - Half Day

More Info Here

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Sugar Boss Refresher Course - Full Day

More Info Here

Contact Us to Book.